Women's Survival & Bush Craft Immersion
She Explores Adventure is collaborating with a highly knowledgable and well known Survival Skills Instructor Rick Peterson. Rick leads Fathers and Sons to rediscover their connection, character and capabilities additionally with other special workshops and immersions.
We will utilise old knowledge, along with modern technology, working with nature to assist us with the prioritising of survival needs. In this event, you will gain a greater understanding of the psychology of fear, and phobias and how we may overcome them.
Trip Highlights:
Hands on learning working with water, shelter, fire, food, rescue signals
Essential functional knots, lashings and frapping
Use of tools
Navigation practices
Vocal Toning, Mindful Meditations, & Movement
We don't want to take away all the surprises so we will leave it at that
Recommendations for Eco Friendly Preparation:
Dress or pack accordingly for the season, this is also appropriate when it comes to tents and wet weather gear
Many items can be purchased secondhand from marketplace and charity stores, as some intrepid travellers will do a one-off trip, and then offload their gear for a budget price, looking at unbiased reviews on particular brands is always a good idea, borrowing equipment from friends is also a great way to determine if this is suitable to your needs into the future
A detailed list of what to bring will also be made available when final payment is made
Sleeping Arrangements:
The choice of tent or sleeping arrangements are up to you, on some occasions I will strongly discourage the use of swags, as they are not practical to walk with.
Once again borrowing a tent (after checking that it is complete with Poles, Pegs, fly! etc) this can be a great way to look at the pros and cons of future purchases.
Once again look at the season, expected weather and conditions and function required, room for your pack and boots to keep them out of the weather at night.
Meals Snacks, Water, Coffee, Tea, and Hot chocolate or equivalent will be catered for
The majority of food provided will be generic in nature, meeting most dietary needs, should you have particular medical food intolerances feel free to let me know and I will attempt to cater for your needs, If not disclosed it cannot be catered for. If it is a lifestyle choice be sure to pack additional snacks to cater to your lifestyle choice
Keeping in mind real survival situations don’t cater to sensitive palate’s, fad diets or allergies.
Meat and vegetables will be prepared, cooked and served
Participant assistance is required with Camp routine and food preparation along with cleaning of cooking equipment and utensils.
*Note no illegal trapping or snaring of native wildlife will occur on any of my events.
Personal Hygiene & Toileting:
As we are in a bush setting, there are no showers available. If you wish to bring wipes you may but they are to be taken out as rubbish, not buried or burnt on the campfire
Correct remot toileting will be discussed
We will construct a bush toilet or (latrine) with a basic screen, adhering to best toileting and Camp hygiene practice techniques for both you and the group’s health and well-being, along with that of the environment and waterways.
We will dedicate education on this subject
Medical History:
It is imperative that you notify us of any known allergies on the documentation provided prior to attending, along with your anaphylaxis and medication plan
Every attempt will be made to cater to your medically significant allergy
A confidential medical questionnaire will be provided to you 1 month out. Should you have medical conditions or medication prescribed by a doctor, please ensure you have ample supply for the duration of the event and self-medicate as per your doctor’s advice
One Month Out:
You will be sent an Attendance Instruction Booklet containing: Personal Information, NOK, medical info and Indemnity Form. This is to be completed and returned one week prior to this event
2 days before survival weekend you will be emailed the pickup location
Once on the transport, the location where you will be attending the survival weekend will be emailed to you & you’re next of kin
*This trip is for those wanting to learn, challenge themselves, immerse in nature & connect with fellow women
Shuttle to & from our survival and bushcraft weekend meeting point in Caloundra
3 meals per day provided
Education on multiple elements about Survival and Bushcraft fundaments
Multiple Facilitators throughout the weekend plus 2 Hosts
Vocal Toning, mindfulness & meditation, movement
Safety Equiptment, emergency beacon, first aid
BYO tent equipment
Appropriate clothing and hiking boots
Transport to & from your home to our meeting point in Caloundra
Investment $1,150